1. What is our project concept ?

We hope to implement the right of freedom through Web3. Including freedom of nationality, freedom of expression and non-expression.

2. How do we achieve our concept ?

There will be 6666 randomly generated PFP NFT on MOOAR Launchped.  And there will be national flags of different countries on the slimes. However, there will also be a few slimes without national flags.

Partners who support our concept can buy them and display the avatar representing their own country on social software. In addition, as the initial purchasers of our project, they are eligible to enter the exclusive Discord chat room.

3. What are the benefits of entering exclusive chat rooms on Discord ?

Exclusive community partners can vote to determine the main direction of the project. We will provide some proposals for the community to choose from. If there are better ideas in the community, they can also be put forward as one of the voting options. 

This is done to implement the proposition of Web3 —Decentralization. We don't want to centralize too much power on the project team. Therefore, we think the community has the right to decide what application this project will use and the future direction of the entire project.

4. What is MOOAR ?

MOOAR is an NFT marketplace divided into VIP members and ordinary members  and Launchpad on Solana or Ethereum.

MOOAR offers a 0% service fee and tiered Membership structure for traders. There is a default 2% royalty fee on all collections.


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